Koç University İşbank Research Center for Infectious Diseases (KUISCID) is seeking for Postdoctoral researchers experienced on virology.
Koç University İşbank Research Center for Infectious Diseases was established in 2020 in Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey. The center is committed to further strengthening research and teaching in Medical Microbiology. Research areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, metagenomics, new emerging pathogens, biofilms and the microbiome. The studies focus on bacteriology, virology, mycobacteriology, and mycology, is closely collaborating with the clinicians in Koç University Hospital and basic science researchers in Koç University Campus. We seek candidates (PhD or MD) that complement the current strengths of the Center for the duration of sixty months (5 Years) under a full employment contract with a follow-up opportunity for tenure.
How To Apply
Applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and research interests, publication list, and at least three reference letters must be submitted online. Deadline for applications is May 1st, 2024.
Applicants can receive support regarding applications to this position via e-mail: kuiscid@ku.edu.tr
Job Description
Details on the role of the scientists is provided below:
Required Qualifications
Salary/Contract Information: Contract will be for five years with a competitive salary that is commensurate with experience of the applicant. The expected starting date is August 2024.
The Selection Process Will Consist Of Two Stages:
The received applications will be reviewed and scored by a Selection Committee that will comprise of the members of the International Advisory Board, Koç University Management, and KUISCID Executive Board.
Criterion Elements to be considered:
Scientific Performance
Management And Securing Funds
Teaching Coordination
Interviews will be conducted via web conference or face-to-face meetings, as may be deemed appropriate.