KUISCID January 2024 Newslatter
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This is a monthly newsletter from KUISCID. We present our research output and news about our activities.

Study group of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)

Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever cases have been reported  since 2002 and the disease is classified as endemic for Türkiye. KUISCID hosted a workshop on CCHF to find accurate solutions for treatment and prevention as well as to discuss the public health concerns of the disease. With eight different cities and 33 participants,14 different centers had the chance to discuss the recent cases and treatment options. Future collaborations are critical regarding the disease as it relates to both clinic and veterinarian fields. We would like to thank all the participants for their efforts to act on possible solutions against CCHF disease.

Our research will continue with high motivation and rapid actions.


Unique Study Model of KUISCID

KUISCID Director Prof. Önder Ergönül answered the questions in mind about infectious diseases in the interview of Herkese Bilim Teknoloji Journal. Prof. Ergönül pointed out the infectious disease-related problems of Türkiye such as “advanced research in infectious diseases, solutions with novel technologies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections, training of researchers to build up a high quality research network, studies on vaccines and other drugs”.

KUISCID continues its research to find solutions for each problem.


Click here for the interview (in Turkish)


Public Health Volunteers Visit Hatay

Prof. Sibel Sakarya and Assoc. Prof. İlker Kayı from Koç University School of Medicine, Public Health Department organized a health training course in Hatay Umut Kent (23-26 January) within the scope of “Community Health Volunteers Project” with the support of the Vehbi Koç Foundation. Prof Fahriye Oflaz from School of Nursing was one of the trainers of the program. Fourteen participants attended the program from Umut Kent container city.

The program included the topics of infection prevention, reproductive health, mother-infant health, basic first aid and efficient communication.


Fighting with Vector Diseases

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) organized a workshop on “Fighting with vector diseases” and KUISCID Director Prof.Önder Ergönül and Head of the Virology facility Assoc.Prof.Mert Kuşkucu were invited to the workshop to explain the vector related infections which are generally transmitted by arthropod, vertebrate or invertebrate hosts. Actions needed to be taken and ways to design innovative solutions were discussed in detail as well as the significance of training of professionals for efficient infection control.


Disasters and Public Health: We can Do Much Better!

Prof. Sibel Sakarya from Koç University School of Medicine, Public Health Department wrote for popular science platform“Sarkaç.org” about “Disasters and Public Health” to discuss the situation after the earthquakes of 6 February and explained the future plans/actions that are required to be considered.

Click here for the paper.


Wishing to Join KUISCID Team?

KUISCID seeks candidates who aim to conduct research in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. 

Click here for more details and application.