KUISCID May 2024 Newslatter
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MAY 2024
This is a monthly newsletter from KUISCID. We present our research output and news about our activities.

Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report

Infectious diseases is an important health threat both in our country and the world. KUISCID hosts  expert scientists of infectious diseases from different cities and institutions to examine the current situation in infectious diseases, regarding both the concerns for public health and future strategies. The findings will be reported as  “Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report”.

The report will be publicly shared at the end of this year with the valuable contribution of each scientist. Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report, will apparently reflect the latest outcomes and problems observed in diagnosis, treatment and prevention as well as innovative approaches in infectious diseases. There are currently 11 different headings and all the bulletpoints will be guiding to healthcare professionals and scientists both for infection control and developing reasonable strategies.

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KUISCID Pioneering the Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report

In order to create the Türkiye Infectious Diseases (TEH) Report, expert scientists from Tekirdağ to Erzurum are involved and working very hard to include every single detail that will help developing solutions to problems in infectious diseases. The wrap-up meeting was held at İş Kuleleri on May 31, 2024. Istanbul Provincial Health Director Prof. Kemal Memişoğlu, Head of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Health Department Dr. Önder Eryiğit, Koç University Vice President for Research and Innovation Prof. Hakan Ürey and Koç University Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Prof. Funda Yağcı Acar also attended to the meeting.

KUISCID, being a center highly in cooperation with many important institutions from the World Health Organization to the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), aims to publish the findings of each 11 segment of the report in international peer-reviewed journals as well as  gathering all parts within a book so that healthcare professionals and public will be able to follow up and be informed at the same time.

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Türkiye Infection Map

Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report will be the primary guideline both for healthcare workers and researchers of infectious diseases. With this goal, we selected 11 hot topics of infectious diseases in detail which will publicly be shared. Let’s hear the story of TEH from the expert scientists involved.

Click here for the video


Acinetobacter baumannii: Rapid Diagnostic Techniques

KUISCID researchers published the article “Diagnostic Role of Opsonic Activity in Acinetobacter baumannii Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia”, which they conducted in collaboration with different centers, in the journal “Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease”. Congratulations to our researchers.

Click here for publication.


First Step Into Medicine

Infectious diseases specialists of KUISCID attended to the meeting “first step into medicine” organized by Koç University Internal Sciences Department. KUISCID Director Prof. Önder Ergönül moderated the session and Assoc. Prof. Şiran Keske, Dr. Özlem Alhan  and Dr. Lal Sude Gücer shared their experiences with case stories.

Türkiye Infectious Diseases Report, which we will publish at the end of the year, will also be a useful resource for graduate students. We wish success to the graduates who take their first steps into medicine.


University Symposium

Turkish Medical Association Specialty Societies Coordination Board and the Istanbul Medical Chamber organized a symposium “University Symposium” in Istanbul on May 18, 2024 with the support of Science Academy. Representatives of the specialties in the field of health discussed the pre and post-graduation medical education throughout the seminar. KUISCID Director Prof. Önder Ergönül gave a speech titled “Scientific Research” at the symposium where he attended as an invited speaker.