KUISCID February 2024 Newslatter
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This is a monthly newsletter from KUISCID. We present our research output and news about our activities.

Infectious Diseases Report

KUISCID hosted researchers from various cities of Turkey to prepare a comprehensive report of infectious diseases in Turkey. Limitations within the existing data points out to the importance of accessible and complete data. Together with all the participants, we aim to overcome these limitations by assembling the current data within a broad report and specify the strategies to improve therapy approaches and preparedness for future pandemics. Follow us for the Infectious Diseases Report of Turkey.


International Symposium: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever

KUISCID organized a meeting for 33 researchers from 8 different cities. Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium of Turkey continues its studies together with 14 centers including both veterinary and medical researchers. Our collaboration has expanded to an international base with the contribution of UCLA (University of California) and we have started a new project. Within a year, our goal is to find solid solutions concerning this public health threat.

There will be a meeting on 25-26 March,2024 to wrap up the current findings and discuss the future aspects.


Meta-Analysis: Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a tick-borne bacterial infection and its diagnosis might be problematic since it has confusing symptoms and mimics the symptoms of other diseases. Unfortunately, several other diseases can be mis-diagnosed as lyme. KUISCID researchers published their meta-analysis on lyme “Discrepancy between IDSA and ESGBOR in Lyme disease: Individual participant meta-analysis in Türkiye” in “Zoonoses and Public Health” journal. We congratulate our researchers.

Click here for publication.


Rapid Test for Resistant Candida Infections

KUISCID researchers proposed a rapid diagnostic test with T-ARMS-PCR method  to detect fluconazole resistance in Candida parapsilosis without the need to wait for the antifungal susceptibility test results. The research “Rapid Tetra-Primer Amplification Refractory Mutation System-Polymerase Chain Reaction Protocol for Detection of Y132F Mutation in Fluconazole Resistant Candida parapsilosis” in “Microbial Drug Resistance” journal. We congratulate our researchers.

Click here for publication


KUISCID at ECCMID with 14 different projects

KUISCID researchers will attend European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) with 14 different projects which will be held on 27-30 April in Barcelona this year. Our post-doctoral researchers Nazlı Ataç and Cansel Vatansever, PhD students Fatihan Pınarlık and Jale Boral will present their studies as oral e-posters and Zeynep Ece Kuloğlu will give an oral presentation. KUISCID Director and Vice Director Prof. Önder Ergönül and Prof. Füsun Can will be giving speeches as invited speakers along with chairing other sessions. We congratulate our researchers.


Scientific Peer-review Training

KUISCID organized the 2nd Scientific Peer-Review Training in collaboration with Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious diseases (KLİMİK) on 10 February, 2024. Study design, reviewer evaluation processes and common mistakes were the main topics and appropriate publication techniques were also discussed. Participants had a chance to note the journey to publish a scientific paper with a hypothesis and its related findings.


How to conduct scientific research?

KUISCID Director Prof.Önder Ergönül gave a speech to Istanbul University School of Medicine researchers with the title  “Statistics – Study design and power analysis”. Researchers discussed with Prof. Ergönül the main steps of completing a research study: How to follow up scientific innovations? and How to write and present effectively?