KUISCID August 2024 Newslatter
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This is a monthly newsletter from KUISCID. We present our research output and news about our activities.

Pathogens Posing Risk for a Pandemic

World Health Organization (WHO) editors including KUISCID Director Prof.Önder Ergönül updated the list of pathogens with risks to cause an epidemic in the future. Influenza A virus and monkeypox virus are also added to this list published in July.

This list will guide the studies for developing diagnostics and vaccine studies related to public health threats.

Click here for the list.


Summer Internship at KUISCID

Another KUISCID summer internship programme was completed for this year. Here are our interns to with their scientific journey at KUISCID:

Melih Uygun (Istanbul University), Can Arda Kahyaoğlu (Michigan University), Elif Neyligül Arslan (Boğaziçi University), Zeynel Abidin Oymak (Hacettepe University), Garri Mikhailov (KU Medical Student Union (KUTÖB) exchange program, Russia), Nicole Carmina Velazquez Garcia (KUTÖB exchange program, Mexico).

If you want to be a part of the programme, apply to the following link.

Click here for application.


Pandemic, Deaths and Inequalities

Public health researchers of KUISCID have published their article “Gender-Based Socio-Economic Inequalities in the Pre-Vaccination Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Istanbul: A Neighborhood-Level Analysis of Excess Mortality” in the journal “Healthcare”. The article focused on the inequalities in pre-vaccination period of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and its demographic and socio-economic variables by gender at the neighborhood level. Their findings included the death rates data of Istanbul as well. Congratulations to our researchers.

Click for the article.


Increasing Measles Cases

KUISCID researchers published their research on the re-emergence, future and unknown aspects of measles in Europe in the “Balkan Medical Journal” with the title “An Alarming Emergence of Measles in Europe: Gaps and Future Directions”. Congratulations to our researchers.

Click for the article.


Infectious Talks at KUISCID

Along with the KUISCID monthly newsletter, we are happy to announce that KUISCID is organizing a new platform where we will host different guests every week with different hot topics. The talks will focus on the questions in mind and aim to raise awareness with transparent data sharing. Follow us for details!


Follow Our Research

Follow the current outcomes of all KUISCID research projects from our website

Click here both for our publications and KUISCID news.