KUISCID April 2024 Newslatter
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APRIL 2024
This is a monthly newsletter from KUISCID. We present our research output and news about our activities.

KUISCID Represents Turkey in Europe

European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Global) was held in Barcelona, Spain this year. From Turkey, 206 researchers attended to the congress. KUISCID researchers had 16 different presentations in the congress, with 4 oral speeches, 2 e-posters and 10 posters. The number of accepted presentations of KUISCID has increased compared to the previous year. We are proud to represent our country on an international and prestigious platform.


Novel Approach to Biofilm-related Infections

KUISCID researchers, in collaboration with Koç University Faculty of Science have published their research “Selective antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of chlorinated hemicyanine against gram-positive bacteria” in Spectrochimica Acta Journal. We congratulate our researchers.

Click for publication.


KUISCID: International Congresses

KUISCID Director Prof. Önder Ergönül attended the meeting “Nord Tick” as a keynote speaker, which was held in Nyborg, Copenhagen on 16-18 April. Prof. Ergönül’s presentation was related to Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) and focused on the recent updates in the field. Afterwards, he gave another presentation “Diagnosis and prevention of vector-borne hepatitis” in ESCMID Global.


KUISCID: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever

Recently, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever cases have been increasing and the World Health Organization (WHO) announces  the CCHF infections as the second-most risky pathogen following COVID-19. Assessing the antiviral activities of new agents and  designing treatment strategies are of the priorities to tackle the disease. Assoc. Prof. Mert Kuşkucu presented the team’s recent findings on efficiency of various antiviral agents against CCHF in ESCMID Global which was in Barcelona, Spain on 27-30 April.

KUISCID, with BSL-3 based research of CCHF aims to be one of the pioneers for developing strategies against the disease and our stuıdies will go on.


KUISCID Researchers in Europe

European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Global) was held in Barcelona-Spain on 27-30 April this year.

PhD student Zeynep Ece Kuloğlu gave an oral presentation “The macrophage responses against hypervirulent and classic Klebsiella pneumoniae”.

Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Nazlı Ataç and PhD student Jale Boral presented their studies “Antimicrobial activity of a far UV lamp (222 nm) within an enclosed chamber” and “Spreading of antimicrobial resistance in carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections” as flash e-Posters.

Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Cansel Vatansever’s “Altered Virulence Patterns in the ST235 High-Risk Clone of Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa” poster was rated as “Top-rated poster”.

PhD students Fatihan Pınarlık and Jale Boral, postdoctoral researcher Dr. Cansel Vatansever and our alumni MSc Güze Ekinci and MSc Kübra Çam had poster presentations. We congratulate all of our young researchers.

Click here for the presentation abstracts.


Oral presentation in ECCMID Global: Hypervirulent klebsiella pneumoniae

KUISCID affiliated Assoc. Prof. Şiran Keske gave an oral presentation “Risk factors and clinical impact of hypervirulent multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae” in ESCMID Global-Barcelona, this year. We congratulate our researcher.


ESCMID Study Groups Executive Board Memberships

KUISCID affiliated Assoc. Prof. Şiran Keske has been elected to the executive board of ESCMID Study Group for Respiratory Viruses (ESGREV). We congratulate Dr. Keske.

Dr. Yeşim Beşli, who also chaired a session in ESCMID Global-Barcelona, has been elected to the executive board of ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ESGARS). We congratulate Dr. Beşli.


KUISCID Being Recognized Internationally

Working in collaboration with the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Global), KUISCID was given the opportunity to introduce the center at ESCMID Global-Barcelona. Following the presentation, the KUISCID Trailer was shown during the congress.

Click here for the trailer.